Faraway voice... alles hat ein Ende

Faraway voice,
We can hear you voice,
What's it like to be heard?
But from you not a word.
Are you over those hills,
Do you still hum the old melodies?
Do you wish people listened,
Over here with me?
Faraway voice,
What I would give, oh give, to hear that voice!
What's it like to breath,
My ears deceive me, voice.
And I will walk with you on a summer's day,
And I will talk to you,
Though you're faraway,
And we'll sing through the years.
Are you over those hills,
Do you still hum the old melodies?
Do you wish people listened,
Over here with me?

Wie oft sagen wir uns, dass alles endlich ist, und wie oft verstehen wir es trotzdem nicht, wenn es soweit ist?

Denkprodukt Numero 1

Something borrowed, something blue.

Aktuelle Beiträge

Faraway voice... alles...
Faraway voice, We can hear you voice, What's it like...
allezhoppla - 12. Jun, 19:02

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